Analysis kit for two leaf sap analyses
The analysis kit contains two samples. As a rule, one sample per plant crop is sufficient. Thus, two different plants can be analysed for nutrient content. Under certain circumstances, a differentiated analysis of young and old leaves of the same plant culture is useful – in this case, two samples of one plant are necessary (one sample with young leaves and one sample with old leaves).
Identify nutrient deficiencies before they become visible
The leaf sap analysis shows the current nutrient supply in the plant. It reveals nutrient surpluses and deficiencies before symptoms can be observed. Optimal nutrient uptake is central to healthy and resilient plants and improves the quality of the end products and their shelf life.
Proactive nutrient management for a more efficient use of fertiliser
If nutrient deficiencies become visible, problems in plant nutrition are already far advanced. Consequences are reduced yield and/or increased susceptibility to pests and diseases.
Plant sap analysis determines the nutrient content of plants and reveals nutrient deficiencies and surpluses before they cause damage. It enables proactive nutrient management – fertilisation can be adjusted quickly and individually to the crop. Using the novel method, nutrient mobility can be tracked over time – valuable information that enables fast and data-driven management decisions.
Advantages of leaf sap analysis
If the crop to be analysed is not listed, please contact us.