Questions & Answers
Compost tea is an aqueous solution full of biotic (beneficial microorganisms) and abiotic (including secondary metabolites, signal substances) components extracted and propagated from compost. The production of compost tea is done by aerobic (with oxygenation) processes.
EDAPRO Compost Tea is compost tea specifically adapted to areas of application.
Bacteria, protozoa, nematodes and fungi can be introduced into the soil through the compost tea. The organisms introduced by the compost tea are the basic length of the food chain and are thus indispensable for a fertile soil.
Compost tea is a sustainable alternative to conventional pesticides due to its disease suppressive (suppressive) effect through foliar and soil application.
No. Although nutrients are contained in EDAPRO Compost Tea, they are negligible in the nutrient balance. An essential component in EDAPRO Compost Tea are the beneficial microorganisms that stimulate metabolic processes and make nutrients contained in the soil available to plants (mineralize). Thus, EDAPRO Compost Tea can indirectly reduce the amount of fertilizer needed. If there is a nutrient deficit in the soil, fertilizer must be applied. Compost tea, on the other hand, does have a foliar fertilizing effect.
No. High disease pressure must be treated acutely and curatively. After the use of chemical pesticides, the application of EDAPRO compost tea is useful. EDAPRO Compost Tea has a preventive effect by strengthening the plants and their natural defenses. Thus, the cause of the disease is treated to prevent its symptoms.
The EdaBiom microbial substrate should be stored at a stable ambient temperature without fluctuations.
The optimal temperature range is between 15 – 20°C.
The EdaBiom microbial substrate must be protected from drying out (55 – 65% relative humidity). Rooms with high humidity, such as a storage cellar, are suitable for this purpose. If drying out nevertheless occurs, the EdaBiom microbial substrate should be moistened. If the EdaBiom microbial substrate is stored for longer than 3 months, it is recommended to loosen the substrate in the bags. This will prevent anaerobic zones.
Before storing the EdaLife brewing system, perform basic cleaning. The lid of the compost tea brewer should be closed after the cleaning is completed and prevents entries.
The term “Effective Microorganisms” (EM) was trademarked by Teruo Higa in 1970. EM is a mixture of about 80 different microorganism species, which are cultivated in the laboratory. EDAPRO Compost Tea contains about 500,000 different beneficial microorganism species from natural substrate. Due to the high diversity, the microorganisms in compost Tea can quickly adapt to locations or when the climate changes.
Additional liquid fertilizers can be added to the compost tea after brewing. Under certain circumstances, however, negative interactions between fertilizer salts and microorganisms may occur. A recommendation can therefore only be given with reservations.
Temperature plays an essential role in the production process of compost tea. The optimal range is between 17-22 °C. At cooler temperatures, the microorganisms multiply more slowly. At temperatures below 17°C, the manufacturing process should be adjusted to 36-48 hours. Temperatures of 30°C and above should be avoided if possible.
The microbial processes are responsible for soil fertility and growth, vitality and disease and pest resistance of the plant. The application of EDAPRO compost tea adds an enormous amount of microorganisms to the soil or leaf surface and brings many benefits:
No. The brewing system should always be operated fully so that the aeration works well. If only half the amount of compost tea is needed, half the amount of microbial substrate and microbial food can be used. This compost tea should be considered a 1:1 dilution at the end of the brewing process.
Normally, the compost tea is brewed for 24-48 hours. If the compost tea cannot be applied during this time, do not switch off the air pump but extend the brewing time. If the brewing system has a heater, it should be switched off. The maximum brewing time should not exceed four days, otherwise the microbial diversity will decrease.
Yes, water of drinking water quality without chlorine, rainwater or osmosis water is suitable for the production of EDAPRO Compost Tea. For foliar application, make sure that it is soft water with a water hardness below 7 °fH.
Negative effects of overdosing have not been observed so far. Since the nutrients are bound in the bacteria, there is no danger of applying too much compost tea.
EDAPRO compost tea only contains the microorganisms that were present in the microbial substrate (EdaBiom) at the beginning. Due to this fact, the plant-strengthening effect of the EDAPRO compost tea can only be guaranteed with the microbial substrate EdaBiom from EDAPRO.
The beneficial microorganisms in the compost tea need
oxygen. During the production process, the organisms are strongly multiplied. As soon as aeration is stopped, the oxygen contained in the solution is quickly used up. If the oxygen content falls below a certain range (<5 mg/L), anaerobic organisms establish themselves, which can harm the plant. Due to the high oxygen demand, the compost tea must be used immediately after the brewing process and can be kept for up to a maximum of 4 hours.
Compost tea for golf turf
Successful crowdfunding
Winning the Agri&Co Challenge
Soil food web presentation
Scientific studies
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