Showing 13–21 of 21 results

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Magnesium leaf fertiliser Carbo-Eco-Mg 10 litres

CHF 89.00
Magnesium fertiliser solution with 5% water-soluble magnesium oxide (MgO) and 10% water-soluble sulphuric anhydride (SO3). Corrects and prevents magnesium deficiency in all crops. Direct absorption and processing in the plant. Registered as a farm input with the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) (expected to be listed from September 2023). Contents: 10 litres

Manganese foliar fertiliser Carbo-Eco-Mn 10 litres

CHF 89.00
Water-soluble manganese (Mn) for foliar application for rapid Mn supply. Registered as a farm input at the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL). Content: 10 litres

Molybdenum foliar fertiliser Carbo-Eco-Mo

CHF 69.00
Registered as a fertilizer at the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL). Content: 1 litre

PHC Fulvic 25 (20 litres)

CHF 89.00
Registered as a fertilizer at the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL). Content: 1 litre

Sulphur Foliar Fertiliser Phytogreen-Schwefel800 10 litres

CHF 79.00
Elemental sulphur, liquid with 56% sulphur (800 g S/l) from micronised elemental sulphur. Particularly highly concentrated and effective sulphur suspension. Registered as a farm input with the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL). Content: 10 litres

Zinc Foliar Fertiliser Carbo-Eco-Zn 10 litres

CHF 99.00
Zinc fertilizer solution (from ZnSO4) with 5% water soluble zinc. Corrects and prevents zinc deficiency in all crops. Direct uptake and processing in the plant. Registered as a farm input at the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL). Contents: 10 litres

Filter bags

CHF 20.00
Filter bags for filtering solids from compost extract and compost tea. Material: Nylon monofilament Size: 178 x 813 mm

Pfeiffer’s circular chromatography

CHF 250.00
Effect analysis thanks to the Chroma Test

CHF 15.00
Make others aware of soil! Our popular “Soil Activist” and “I love Soil” stickers are now available in the shop.